Saturday, December 8, 2007

Save water

Drought disaster.. and what we can do to save water ...and money.
Forget melting Arctic ice. A bigger environmental danger facing us is drought. For those of you experiencing flooding bear with me. A large swath of the U.S., including California and much of the Southwest and parts of the Southeast, are at severe risk for freshwater shortages. Rivers are drying up, and the snowcaps that replenish them are rapidly disappearing. Adding to the problem is the fact that theaverage American consumes 151 gallons of water a day on a per capita basis. In contrast, the British average just 31 gallons a day.
Getting by with less:
  • Cut down on shower time, and install low-flow shower heads. The low-flow heads run at three gallons a minute; older ones put out seven gallons a minute.
  • If you run a dishwasher or wash clothes every day, do it every other day. And run them only when full. Most dishwashers use 15 to 22 gallons a cycle. Clothes washers use 30 to 50 gallons a load; the new front-loading washers use half that amount.
  • Flush toilets only when you have to. The average person flushes a toilet seven times a day. Low-flow toilets use 1.6 to 2.5 gallons a flush; older toilets use 7 to 10 gallons.
  • Turn off water when brushing teeth or shaving. Most homes have faucets that use 2.5 gallons a minute.

I,ll add to this to know how much water you are using. Most water bills tell you how many gallons of water you consume in a month. And of course they tell you how much you must pay for these gallons. Just divide the number of gallons by the days of service or days in the previous month to give you how many gallons you use a day. Dividing the cost by gallons used will give you cost per gallon. By doing this you can find out your cost per day of water use. This will give you the nudge you need to try to find ways of saving water..and thus..saving money. Happy saving!!!

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