Friday, December 28, 2007

Save Money-- Turn Clutter into Cash --Part Two

One of the most popular places to get rid of unwanted items and to make a little money too is Here's how it works :

You list your items for sale via online auction or for a flat "buy now" price. There are listing fees. When an item sells, you pay a sales fee to eBay, collect your money from the buyer and ship the item. Payments- between you and eBay as well as buyers and sellers- are typically handled by PayPal, a subsidiary of eBay that processes electronic money transfers- letting buyers pay with credit cards and sellers collect via automatic deposites to their bank.

What Draws for Sellers

You reach a world of potential buyers. That's why sellers say your used goods fetch top dollar. You get more than you would on local autcion sites, garage sales and consignment shops.

Drawbacks for Sellers

Fees and hassle. You pay a listing fee- from 20cents to $4.80- based on your starting price. When an item sells, you also pay a fee, based on the sale price. You pay 5.25 percent on the first $25 and for items that fetch less. On the remaining balance, you pay 3.25 percent on $25.01-$1000 and 1.5 percent on everything above $1000. For more info on fees:

You also have to factor in shipping costs and underestimating them or low-balling them to attract buyers could cost you.

Hope these hints are helpful if you decide to sell on eBay. Tommorow we will talk about and other hints for turning your clutter into cash. Happy Shopping!!!!

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