Friday, January 4, 2008

Save the World--The Downside to Domestic Fuel

End Dependence On Foreign Fuel-- but at What Cost
We probably all pretty much agree that we need to cut our dependence upon foreign fuel. But we need to realize that this might come at a high cost.
According to a report in last Sundays Parade Magazine there are close to 1 million oil and gas wells across 33 states of the United States. There were over 40,000 drilled in the last year alone. When oil and gas are extracted toxic chemicals,including mercury, benzene and arsenic along with other powerful chemicals are injected underground to boost output. These wells are exempt from the federal Safe Drinking Water Act and Clean Air Act which would in effect control these substances. Because of the industry's influence in Washington loopholes were written in according to Amy Mall of the Natural Resources Defense Council(NRDC), who co-authored a new report on the subject. "These decisions ignored the best available science." Well operators also are not required to file an annual toxic-release inventory, a list of chemicals emitted.
Those living near wells have developed serious medical problems. One family living within a mile of about 20 wells in Colorado, suffered ailments ranging from painful blistering and nosebleeds to headaches and tumors.
NRDC wants the government to tighten regulations of gas drilling and for the industry to adopt pollution-reducing practices.
Is extracting domestic oil and natural gas important enough that companies should be granted exemptions from pollution laws? You can express your opinion here at this blog spot or go to
On a More Personal Note
My wife needed to go to Monroe for a shower gift tonight..we stopped by CVS to pick up some pictures she'd sent off. Pretty good one of me...just kidding...and she had a savings card that her employer had given each of the employees at the dental office where she works and her savings on the pictures was $1.13. She also received a print out of her Bonus Bucks for last month $2.50 plus we have a $4.00 off a $20.00 purchase coupon for updating our CVS card. So we will look for sales at CVS and use manufacturers coupons and probably get some pretty good deals at CVS in the coming weeks. We were late coming out of Target and stopped at Wendy's for a too go order which we were going to eat when we got home(about a 25 minute drive) so we didn't get the combo, just the food without the drinks, so we saved maybe a dollar there..not a lot because the combos are cheaper but still saved a little I think.
Previous total 9.78
Jan. 3 total 1.13
Total $10.91
Hope these hints help, and as always..Happy Savings!!!

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