Friday, January 11, 2008

Save Money--5 Tips for the Kitchen

Save Money in the Kitchen
  1. Refrigerator. Keep your head out of the refrigerator and the door closed! The refrigerator is the single biggest energy consuming kitchen appliance, and opening the refrigerator door accounts for between $30 and $60 of a typical family's electricity bill each year. The amount of energy saved in a year by more efficient refrigerator usage could be enough to light every house in the United States for more than four and a half months straight.
  2. Storage Containers Instead of using plastic, store your food in glass or porcelain containers. Fewer chemicals will likely leach from the container into the food. Chemicals that transfer from plastic to food and from food to body may cause health risks.
  3. Stove. Use the right-size pot on your stove burners. You could save about $36 annually for an electric range or $18 for a gas range. Five percent of the energy bought and used per person in the United States is for preparing and cooking food. Over a year this exceeds twice the energy a person in Africa uses to power everything in his or her life.
  4. Trash Bags. Use leftover paper of plastic bags as liners for your trash cans. You'll save money and time shopping in the trash-liner bag aisle. The average cost of twenty kitchen trash bags is $5. When one ton of plastic bags is reused, the energy equivalent of eleven barrels of oil is save. When one ton of paper bags is reused, up to seventeen trees are spared.
  5. Water Filters. If you want to be sure the tap water in your house is clean, try installing water filters on your faucets instead of buying bottled water-- you'll save money over time and get better-tasting water. You can buy a water filter for as little as $29, or about a month's worth of bottled water (if you drink a liter a day). About 1.5 million tons of plastic are used in the bottling of 89 billion liters of drinking water each year. That's enough plastic to make two water filters for every household on the planet. One billion people around the world lack access to clean drinking water.

These tips come from "the green book" Please read "the green book" and visit .

Personal note:

Shopping today at Bilo's

Savings as of 1-10-08: $92.07

Savings today: $ 9.60

Savings year to date $101.67

Use those coupons--catch those sales!! Happy Savings!!

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