Wednesday, January 23, 2008

3 Tips--Save Money--in the Backyard

Backyard Saving:
Drip Irrigation: For flower beds and gardens, use drip irrigation or soaker hoses instead of regular sprinklers. You can save up to 70 percent of the water you would typically use because evaporation will be minimal and only the base of the plants will be receiving water as opposed to the leaves and foliage.
Existing Lawn Irrigation: Consider installing a rain sensor to override your automatic sprinkler cycle during and after rain events. Depending on the local climate, your water consumption (and your water bill) could drop up to 30 percent per year.
Hoses: Fit your garden hose with an automatic shut-off nozzle in order to prevent waste when the water is turned on and the hose is not being used. You'll save up to 6.5 gallons per minute. If just 10 percent of U.S. households attached shut-off to their hoses and the average reduction in hose usage was just thirty seconds per week, the water saved would fill over 128,000 bathtubs every day.

These tips come from "the green book" . Buy the green book and visit .
Personal note:
Grocery shopping today. Food lion purchase: $62.88. Store savings and coupons $13.52. Total after savings $49.36. % Savings; 21.5 percent.
Bilo's: purchased $113.23. Store savings and coupons $39.62. Total after savings $75.29. % Savings. 35.0 percent.

Savings as of 1-22-08: $139.28
Savings today $ 53.14
Savings year to date $192.42

Happy Savings!!!!

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