Monday, November 19, 2007

Just a thought......

My friends....
Just think with me for an instant...suppose you have a weekness for bacon,egg, cheese biscuits. These are readily found at our local fast food restaurants for about $1.29 or so..and with tax that comes to $1.29 * .1.07=$1.38, not a lot right..but wait are we going to chock this biscuit down without a drink..bring on the coffee or soft drink and add what....lets say $.99*1.07 =$1.06. Ok add that to the $1.38. Now if ive done my math right thats $2.44 and now we have our daily dose of colesterol and were out the $2.44. Nothing to worry about right. But lets back up a little about substituting a bagel for that biscuit...lets see bagels $4.19 x1.07=$4.48. OK i dont think we're going to eat the whole pack at a sitting...lets start with one..and do our own coffee at home for lets say...40 cents a cup maybe. $4.48/6=.75cents. Now dont forget to add the coffee .75 +.40+$1.15...bettter huh. And youre eating healthier not driving the extra tenth of a mile into the fast food place and eating at home which you can do without your shoes on which always makes it taste a little better. Now lets do the math$2.44-$1.15=$1.29 a day. Now granted...thats not a lot,but lets say you treat yourself on friday with the biscuit...I dont recommend it..but thats your choice ...In 4 days we've saved $5.16...not bad huh..and lets see...say we get liberal vacation time off and work 48 weeks a year...That comes out to 48x$5.16=$248.16. Anyone else out there saying wow right now...or is that still not enough ..ok..lets say we take that $248.16 and put it in a mutual fund averaging about 8 percent per year..for lets say...5 years......$1476.87..anyone want to say wow with me now..but lets go out 10 years.....$3742.33. now lets stretch it out there to 20 years.....$11961,99. now lets say youre 25 and plan on working until you60 or so ..35 years....yeah ..lets go out to 35...comes to $41624.58. Do i have your attention now? Forty thousand dollar biscuits tend to do that. Just one little lifestyle change hmmm. Maybe we can make sense of this penny saved thing...and oh...your bagel at home....eaten on a saucer that you wash.....drinking your coffee from a cup that you also wash. Youll keep several hundred pounds of discareded paper waste out of the landfill over the years....Think about it.

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